About the support forum

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10 months ago (edited by aokod 10 months ago) Administrator

Welcome to the support forum!

esoBB support forum is powered by esoBB, which is a little bit different to some of the other forums you may have previously used. Check out this topic for a basic tutorial.

History of the forum

The first support forum for esoTalk, the predecessor to the esoBB forum software, was created in 2008 by Simon Zerner. As the esoTalk forum software flourished into an open-source beta, several members were attracted to the concept and went on to make contributions to its development.

When esoTalk was forked into the project that later became esoBB, it was used to create a topic-less discussion board that still exists on another domain. Since then, the project has been continued by several contributors from the original board (here is a list of contributors) and we have made numerous improvements to the original software!

How to contribute

We are always looking for people to contribute to the ongoing development of the software. If you are a developer, then feel free to create a fork of the esoBB repository, make changes as you see fit, and open a pull request so we can potentially add them to the base code.

If you don't know how to write code in PHP or JavaScript, don't fret! Anyone can create a new issue and suggest improvements to the forum software. If you would like to learn how to write code for the esoBB forum software, then you are free to read our documentation which contains a list of hooks in the base code and some examples for plugins and skins.


Here is a list of resources for information regarding the esoBB forum software and related projects.


  1. esoBB documentation - https://geteso.org/docs/
  2. GitHub repo documentation (outdated) - https://github.com/geteso/eso/wiki

Other forums

  1. esoBB beta forum - https://beta.geteso.org/
  2. esoBB forum archive (read-only forums) - https://archive.geteso.org/
  3. Tormater forum (neighboring project) - http://torum.rf.gd/forum/

esoTalk links

  1. Older versions of esoBB and esoTalk - https://geteso.org/docs/old-versions/
  2. esoTalk 1.0.0b3 repository (archive) - https://github.com/aokod/esoTalk-1.0.0b3
  3. esoTalk 1.0.0b1 repository (fork) - https://github.com/bk-amahi/esoTalk
  4. esoTalk pre-gamma plugins list - (coming soon!)

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